FMGE Exam Pattern

The FMGE exam pattern outlines the format of the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination, a crucial step for overseas medical graduates to obtain a license to practice medicine in India. The computer-based test consists of 300 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. Each part carries 150 MCQs and is allotted 2 hours and 30 minutes for completion, with a break in between.

FMGE exam pattern offers a sigh of relief to test-takers by not employing negative marking. This means incorrect answers won’t deduct points from your score. To pass the FMGE exam, you’ll need to secure a minimum of 150 marks out of a total of 300. Understanding this structure is vital for strategizing your exam preparation and time management during the actual test.

Exam Mode

The FMGE exam is conducted in a computer-based testing (CBT) mode.

Question Type and Number

The exam consists entirely of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). There are a total of 300 MCQs in the exam.

Division of Questions

The 300 MCQs are divided into two parts: Part A and Part B.

Part A

  • Part A of the FMGE exam covers pre-clinical and para-clinical subjects. These subjects typically form the foundation of medical education.
  • Part B

Part B of the FMGE exam covers clinical subjects, which deal with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Marking Scheme

  • Points per Correct Answer

Each correct answer in the FMGE exam is awarded one mark.

  • Negative Marking

The FMGE exam does not employ negative marking. This means that you will not be penalized for answering a question incorrectly. There is no deduction of marks for wrong answers.

Time Duration

  • Total Time

The total time allotted for the FMGE exam is 300 minutes, which is equivalent to 5 hours.

  • Part A Time Limit

Part A of the exam is allotted 2 hours and 30 minutes to be completed.

  • Part B Time Limit

Part B of the exam is also allotted 2 hours and 30 minutes to be completed.

Hurdling the Final Benchmark: Passing Marks in the FMGE Exam Pattern

The FMGE exam pattern lays out a clear path for overseas medical graduates seeking licensure in India. But every journey has a final hurdle, and in the FMGE, that hurdle is the passing marks. To successfully navigate the exam and unlock your practice potential, understanding the passing criteria is crucial.

The FMGE exam requires a minimum score of 150 marks out of a total of 300. This translates to achieving at least 50% on the exam. This benchmark ensures a solid foundation of medical knowledge across the tested subjects.

Remember, securing the passing marks isn’t just about achieving a minimum; it’s about demonstrating competency in applying your knowledge to real-world medical scenarios. By strategically preparing for the specific subjects and question format outlined in the FMGE exam pattern

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the FMGE a computer-based test or a paper-based test?

A: The FMGE is conducted entirely in a computer-based testing (CBT) mode.

Q: What type of questions are asked in the FMGE exam?

A: The FMGE exam exclusively consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). There are a total of 300 MCQs to be answered.

Q: How are the questions divided in the FMGE exam?

A: The 300 MCQs are divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A focuses on pre-clinical and para-clinical subjects, while Part B covers clinical subjects.

Q: How many marks are awarded for each correct answer?

A: Each correct answer in the FMGE exam fetches you one mark.

Q: Does the FMGE exam have negative marking?

A: No, the FMGE exam does not employ negative marking. There’s no penalty for attempting a question incorrectly.

Q: How much time is allotted for the FMGE exam?

A: The total time for the FMGE exam is 300 minutes, or 5 hours.

Q: How much time is given for each part of the exam?

A: Both Part A and Part B are allocated 2 hours and 30 minutes for completion.

Q: What is the minimum score required to pass the FMGE exam?

A: You need to secure a minimum of 150 marks out of 300 to pass the FMGE exam. This translates to achieving at least 50% of the total marks.

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